Friday, March 27, 2009


Talan has been playing in his pre-season tournament this week. Monday we lost by one point. (The worst kind of loss!) Talan played well. He caught an awesome pop fly and got a great hit resulting in a home run!

Last night we lost again. This time we were beat at home plate. We just weren't hitting the ball BUT in defense of the Grasshoppers - we went down swinging!

I thought our coach had a great line for the end of game huddle - he said, "I hope it hurt to lose, that way we won't do it anymore" - I thought that was quite fitting. Losing does hurt - but someone has too!

We finish the tourney tomorrow @ permitting ofcourse!

Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm so excited!
It's time to start planning our garden for 2009.
Last year my mom bought a tiller so naturally Josh had to play with it.
The outcome: a Files garden! :)
We ended up giving away more than we kept last year which was a treat as well. It was nice to share and then hear the different ways everyone prepared their veggies!
I cannot wait to get started! I'll let you know what we end up with!

Friday, March 6, 2009

praise and worship

Last night I was flipping through the channels and found GMC, Gospel Music Channel.
Jeremy Camp was on sort of 'un-plugged' if you will.
I turned my lights off, closed my eyes, rested on my bed and just felt.....restored. I really needed to have that time.

So today I decided to get my CD's out and I first chose one labeled "faves". It was one I had burned for myself. OH MY GOODNESS! I am soooooo encouraged right now.

I am remembering something I heard long ago and it stuck with me b/c for me it's true. Music is a gateway. WOW, is that true for me. Think about it - music can take you back to a time in your life, good or bad. A song can take you back to a place you once were, or a person you once knew. That can be good or bad. I chose to stop listening to things that took me back to where I no longer wanted to go and that changed my life. It was a great release for me b/c I was weak to the music from my past.

I haven't been listening to my praise and worship music which is a wonderful gateway that I NEEDED! I need that music to inspire and encourage me.

Right now I am listening to a beautiful song - from awhile ago.
On My Cross. The words say:
*those were my nails, that was my crown, that pierced Your hands and Your brow.
*those were my thorns, those were my scorns, those were my tears, that fell down.
*and just as You said it would be, You did it all for me.
*after You counted the cost, You took my shame, my blame, on my cross......

I love that. It's so true! That's why I love praise and worship music! YAY!!

I must, must, must keep my p&w in my life - it's such encouragement to stay connected with my Lord and Savior - JESUS!

Favorite quotes

"Dang Gina"

"Character is much easier kept than recovered."

"Speak only well of others and you need never whisper."

"Don't let others stop you from doing what you know is right."

"No one else can speak the words on your lips."